welcome visitors and new members to the parish!
You are welcome to worship with us at any time. If you are new to the Randolph County area, may we invite you to register as a member of the parish?
Registration forms are available in the parking lot vestibule or by calling the office.
Celebration of Infant baptism:
Baptism is an important celebration in the community. It requires a time for parents (and sponsors, if available) to be prepared. This can even be done before a child is born. Baptismal preparation is done with Fr. Phillip. To schedule an appointment, please call the office.
rite of christian initiation:
Children over age 6 and all adults who believe the Spirit of God is moving them to Baptism, Confirmation, and the reception of the Eucharist participate in a process that moves through the year and culminates at the Easter Vigil. Contact the church office for details of this process and to enroll in the precatechumenate or candidate programs.
christian marriage:
Because of the important sign of God’s love which Catholics believe a married couple to be, a time of preparation and reflection is an important first step for couples wanting to marry. The parish requires a six-month advance noticed so that appropriate paperwork and preparation can be undertaken. Call the church office to make these arrangements.
visitation of the sick and homebound:
We want to stay connected to those who may not be able to join us regularly for the Eucharist. Arrangements can be made for a lay minister to visit and for the Sacrament of the Sick to be administered by the pastor. Call the church office to make arrangements.
Faith Formation:
The parish offers kindergarten through fifth grade Faith Formation classes in English and Spanish. Confirmation classes are held on Sunday afternoons. Click here to see the Faith Formation Schedule.